
Posting Political Views on Facebook

Submitted by Adrian on

 I rarely post my political views on FB. At times though, I feel it's important to express my opinion or to take a stand on certain issues. 

But I have been extremely disappointed and disheartened by what happens when I do express myself politically. 

Suddenly I'm hosting a battle that I don't feel prepared to deal with. Nor do I care to be a referee in an argument on my social media page. 

Name calling on my posts is unacceptable. I have been upset by it and at a loss about how to handle it. This is the reason for this post. Please keep reading. 

We all have a right to our opinions and to voice those opinions. I will read what you have to say on my thread and even though I may disagree with you, you have a right to respectfully express your opinion. Educate me, if need be. I haven't stopped learning.