
Why are White People afraid of being referred to as White?

Submitted by Adrian on

I poster a question on Facebook:

Why are White People afraid of being referred to as White?
Please enlighten this Black man.

Here is one response to that question:

“I am not afraid. When you say that to me you are describing the color of my skin. Not my country of origin, my status in society or my moral values. It would seem that just because we describe someone's physical form we are not defining them. Am I missing something?”

This is a good place to start, in my opinion you are not missing anything.

Here is another response:

Posting Political Views on Facebook

Submitted by Adrian on

 I rarely post my political views on FB. At times though, I feel it's important to express my opinion or to take a stand on certain issues. 

But I have been extremely disappointed and disheartened by what happens when I do express myself politically. 

Suddenly I'm hosting a battle that I don't feel prepared to deal with. Nor do I care to be a referee in an argument on my social media page. 

Name calling on my posts is unacceptable. I have been upset by it and at a loss about how to handle it. This is the reason for this post. Please keep reading. 

We all have a right to our opinions and to voice those opinions. I will read what you have to say on my thread and even though I may disagree with you, you have a right to respectfully express your opinion. Educate me, if need be. I haven't stopped learning.